
Fleurs dans le style

Carrying your bouquet correctly lets the world revel in the results, instead of subconsciously noting that you're clutching the bouquet to your body like a football, or thrusting it out like it poses a fire hazard. You poured over the designs of these one-in-a-lifetime flowers for months, coordinating them with your venue and bridesmaid attire. Make the most of them!  Look and feel at ease with your bouquet.
  • Make sure that your bridal and attendants' bouquets aren't so heavy that you really can't hold them comfortably for twenty minutes or longer.
  • Hold your bouquet around belly button height. Rest your hands snug against your stomach (which offers you support in holding the flowers ... and hides any shaking hands!).
  • Hold the blooms toward your guests, not the stems. No one wants to see those stems, no matter how beautifully they're wrapped.
  • If you're carrying a sheaf of flowers, let them rest in the crook of your left arm like a baby. Borrow a good friend's baby (or a solid pillow) and practice a bit. Scan old movies with pageant winners.
  • Practice the beauty queen wave. You may want to use it that day, you'll certainly feel one!
  • If you're carrying a pomander or kissing ball suspended from a ribbon on your wrist, fold that arm across your waist so that the ball hangs down the front of your gown.
  • A nosegay or tussy-mussy is a smaller, lighter bouquet. Hold it at belly button level if it's large enough, or simply at waist level.

Stay tuned to our next article about the art of flowers!


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