
Tchaikovsky On The Road Through the Eyes of French Director Bertrand Normand

The conductor, much like a mad scientist, bold and stern like most middle-aged Russian men, instantly stops the entire orchestra to a complete silence, and zeros in for the attention from one. He looks directly into the eyes of a cellist and demands, “inspire the orchestra!” This is a scene from French director Bertrand Normand’s Tchaikovsky On The Road documentary of a European tour of the highly-acclaimed Russian Mariinsky Theater’s orchestra lead by the great conductor, Valery Gergiev. Admirer of classical music or not, Normand’s film enlightens us of the remarkable orchestra’s passion, dedication and often painstaking journey with nightly performances after a day filled with rehearsals.

“Maybe the most important thing that I have learned is what a conductor brings to a piece of music and how differently an orchestra can play according to the conductor, the venue, the mood,” states Normand of his latest film. “It was amazing to hear each symphony of Tchaikovsky sound differently every day.” Normand dedicated two weeks of filming on tour with the orchestra from cities such as Amsterdam, Brussles, Toulsous and Cologne just to name a few. “When you can listen to the same piece of music over and over within a short period of time performed differently each time, a world opens to you, a world of variety, of nuances, of emotions, and you can’t help but compare, relate, be more attentive and more sensitive to the music.”

I’m highly impressed with Normand who graduated with a degree in Business Management but realized it was not his calling. “I needed to do something I was passionate about,” he admits, “I did some acting for a few years, in short films and on stage, but I realized that I didn’t care much for the life of an actor and that my true means of expression was directing, meaning being behind the camera.” Normand’s other impressive documentary Ballerina released in 2006 showcases five female dancers also from the Mariinsky Theater (commonly known as the Kirvo). Although Normand wants to direct feature films, he has worked on several documentaries. “It allows to convey something truthful, although to some extent personal as well, to the audience,” explains Normand of documentary type films.

“Before directing my own films, I have worked as an assistant on several films made by other directors,” Normand recalls. “The most memorable experience was on Russian Dolls, directed by Cédric Klapisch, with Romain Duris and Audrey Tautou, on which I worked as second unit director.”
As for Tchaikovsky On The Road, “making that film has allowed me to better grasp what some call the ‘Russian soul’,” Normand explains. “What distinguishes the Mariinsky orchestra from most Western orchestras is that it plays in a more emotional way.” Normand shows us how and why commendable conductor Gergiev “seems to go through great torments or ecstasy!” You see this in Gergiev’s eyes as he stand proud in front of his orchestra. That is, if his eyes are open. Other times with eyes shut, Gergiev is lost in an apparent trance. His baton flutters like that of the wings of a hummingbird while the other hand is directing another group of musicians a different tempo. I became completely fascinated with Gergiev, his hair a tattered mess tosses beads of sweat onto his jacket; his mellow dramatic full body gestures surely needed in leading the orchestra to its greatness. Through Normand’s eyes, we see and feel the maestro’s passion as he ignites the musicians to a most memorable performance. “Some of the musicians, and above all Gergiev himself, are certainly passionate about what they are doing,” describes Normand.   “Observing them gives a lot of energy and a will to devote oneself to something one is passionate about.”
“Tchaikovsky is our daily bread,” explains French Horn musician, Yuri Akimkin in the film. While on the road with the orchestra, Normand was able to make certain observations of this ensemble. “It was amazing to witness how an orchestra functions from inside, moreover a Russian orchestra.” While some musician are back home in St. Petersburg performing at the Mariinksy, “those taken on tour by Gergiev are supposed to be the best and most energetic ones, and young ones cope with tiredness better than old ones,” Normand explains.

By: Slavica Monczka


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